Flash Projects:
The Deleted Video Collection software has been cancelled because the project is very ambitious for a basic Flash developer such as myself and I don't think it will even be fully used by the people who would buy it so therefore I do not see its development as a useful way to spend my time. But if I decide to restart the project again one day I will make it known.
Continue reading for the older release. Please be aware the information about the channel shown in that program didn't turn out to be 100% accurate.
Here you can download the latest version of the I'm Interested In Apathy demo program. It contains two videos that were removed in a purge when the channel ended for a year and a half. It also contains what will be uploaded these days,
Download here for Windows
https://www.mediafire.com/file/z75bxytxgjg0rn3/web-video-iiia.rar/filehttps://www.mediafire.com/file/z75bxytxgjg0rn3/web-video-iiia.rar/filehttps://www.mediafire.com/file/z75bxytxgjg0rn3/web-video-iiia.rar/filehttps://www.mediafire.com/file/z75bxytxgjg0rn3/web-video-iiia.rar/filehttps://www.mediafire.com/file/z75bxytxgjg0rn3/web-video-iiia.rar/fileDownload here for macOS
To run the program, extract the folder within the .RAR archive file and run the executable.
Garry's Mod server:
I was very grateful to be an early tester for a service called ArkTech and have a Garry's Mod server hosted by them. The server is not amazingly popular but I am still monitor it everyday. It has its own website which you can find here and contains all addons and the IP Address with a quickjoin link.